Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

If you can see it, you can do it. Work your way through a problem, clean up a messy room, set both big and small goals.

Visualisation forces you to open new neural pathways by imagining yourself doing an activity you might not have attempted before or helps you find a different way of accomplishing a task. 


Through NLP you are speaking to yourself in a new context with new terms. Try using these simple techniques to take control of your mental programming.

·      Visualisation - Takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Mentally picture things using your imagination, you’ll help change your internal monologue and ultimately your behaviour. 

·      Association/Dissociation – Think of an actor on stage playing a part. Being able to see things as you or others WOULD complete them. Mentally rehearsing your success. 

·      Modelling – A practice of observing a method or person that is successful and then adopting and doing your own reprogramming to achieve similar results. 
Ask yourself; Why is that person successful and how did they achieve that success? Direct your behaviour to be more like theirs, model your thoughts and mental language after the individual or group that have achieved success in the area of interest to you. Through this form of observation, you can visualise your way to a plan to achieve success. 

**** I want to make a note of caution. Modeling doesn’t mean abandon what feels true and authentic to yourself. Adopting behaviours to fit in will never lead to a feeling of true belonging. Instead, observe things like confidence, accountability, productivity and imagine possessing similar qualities. See YOURSELF being confident and productive and then take steps to make that a reality. 


Methodology – What is NLP and why should I give it a try?

·      N- Neuro – neurons, sensory cells in your brain all have a job and must work together for the brain to function as a whole. NLP seeks to affect the part of the brain that process language, memory and voluntary behaviour. Neural pathways are molded and developed when learning a new skill. NLP works to create new neural pathways and new behaviours. 

·      L- linguistic – Our unique internal language, self-talk that can be positive, negative or neutral. The voice that helps us determine how we act and feel about ourselves. How do you talk to yourself? NLP helps to change the language of your internal monologue to affect positivity, set goals, and change your behaviour. 

·      P-programming – Neurons are the hardware of the brain and our internal language is the software. By targeting both the hard and software of the brain, we are able to directly impact the output, our behaviour.


Exercise - Visualisation

Feeling overwhelmed? Unable to concentrate? 

Let’s try working with a clean slate, a clear surface like clearing off a table or closing all the windows on the computer to enable a start fresh. 

~ Close your eyes and assess your current thoughts.

Now, imagine a cluttered table and a bookshelf, something that evokes organisation.

Visualise yourself cleaning up the table, organising the items on the bookshelf, sorting and storing the clutter from the table.

Once the table is clean, snap a mental picture and really lean into how that clean space makes you feel. Capture the emotion. Feel the spaciousness in your breath as you look upon the clean surface. What’s your posture like, tall, confident, focused?

Now open your eyes and make it a reality. You’ll be amazing at how much focus you’ve just provided yourself by helping your brain calm down and enjoy being uncluttered.


Deshotels. K. (2020) NLP: An Essential Guide: Emotional Intelligence, Book 7.


The All-Mighty Regulator


Stress, Cortisol, Glucose and Weight Gain