Counselling Sessions
Online Counselling
Haven’t considered online counselling? Here are the perks!
Sessions can be held in the comfort of your home.
No commute, so this self-care is easy to make time for.
Real connection and a deep sense of being heard and understood are not only possible, it’s what we do.
You can wear pyjamas.
In-Person Counselling
In-person counselling sessions are a great way to engage in therapy. Feeling the connection and attunement, when someone truly offers their undivided attention, curiosity and willingness to hear your story is all part of healing.
In-Nature Counselling
Nature contributes to the replenishment of the resources we need to deal with stress and challenging situations by reducing cortisol levels (stress hormone) and sympathetic (fight/flight) activation (think reduced heart rate and blood pressure). A welcomed consequence of this decreased activation is better access to our prefrontal cortex where our problem solving, consequence predicting, and logical thinking occurs.
These sessions are a walk-and-talk format, like a traditional counselling session.
Or more immersive with structured exercises to process difficult experiences and strengthen self-regulation.
Contact your clinician to book and experience the therapeutic elements of nature with your therapist as a guide, right here on Vancouver Island.
Supporting you wherever you’re at on your journey…
Relationship issues, depression, anxiety, injury, interpersonal trauma, physical trauma, anger, addiction, identity, parenting, marriage, loss and grief, supporting children…and everything else life brings forth
Veronica offers direct billing for FNHA, Crime Victims Assitance and Green Shield Canada.
Enjoy the convenience of booking your preferred therapy, your clinician, and when you're available, below.
See you soon!