Island Elements Counselling

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Back-to-School, For Parents

Back-to -school this year is different.  For some parents, the decision around having their kids return to school has been, at the least, challenging.  The options for education are leaving some parents scrambling for more answers and options.  While for other families, the return to school is something parents have been looking forward to all summer.

For each family, the decision and the concerns will be different.  There is no right way to return to school this September.

A few ways we can support ourselves as parents through the return to school for our kids is to:

·         Unpack our concerns/worries/fears/feelings (instructions below)

·         Assess the family’s overall wellbeing right now- Is the family thriving with new routines and at-home learning? Are you thriving? Current challenges- child care, work-life-family balance?

·         What are your child(ren’s) needs right now?

·         Address the uncertainties- how do you manage uncertainty? What is uncertain for you right now?

While we were in the midst of the uncertainty of COVID I offered a way to explore our fears, take a look:

·        What is the feeling? Label it- worry, concern, fear, numbing, panic, alarm

·         Address your worries/concerns/fears in the present moment: What are you feeling most worried/concerned about right now?

·         Notice where you feel it in your body- what does that emotion feel like? - tightness, heat, tension, prickly, numbing

·         How do you know you are in a place or worry/concern? What does your behaviour look like? Are you over-functioning? Under-functioning? Seeking validation and reassurance?  Feelings of anger?

·         What does this worry/concern/fear mean for you or your family, your community?

·         Remain curious and compassionate.  Give yourself the mental space to unpack your concern/worry/fear.  You are responsible for managing your emotional wellbeing, fostering your own emotional resilience.

·         Acknowledge and accept the worry/concern/fear so you can keep it from being in the driver’s seat.

Need more on building your own emotional resiliency as a parent, check out: